
The Benefits of Having an Instrument Filled Home

Have you ever thought about how beautiful of a moment it would be to have your children sitting around a piano while you’re singing away, playing for them as they sing along? One of the most beautiful things about being a musician is that you’re able to give that gift to the world around you, but it’s particularly special to be a musical parent. 

Anyone Can Do It!

If you’re not a musician, do not fear! There are so many wonderful ways to incorporate live music into your home. Although we don’t suggest starting off with a full blown drum set that belongs at a stadium show, we do suggest that you start off with something small. A wonderful place to start is with a percussion piece. This will not only really help lock you and your family’s rhythm in, but it also appears much less intimidating than many other more stringy instruments.

If you’re looking to really invest in a sonic piece for your home, you may consider a grand piano. Not only is a grand piano as beautiful as any other piece of art or furniture that you could have around your home, but you may be surprised to find that it will also be played by more hands than you can count. You may be pleasantly surprised with who hops on the piano to show their chops, be them young or old, at a holiday gathering or just a friend who is waiting for you while you’re getting ready. Having a piano is a lovely and inviting way to always have beauty rising within your space. 

When it comes specifically to your children having access to a piano, Roland Corp. reminds us why this investment could really be of so much value:

“Numerous studies by neuroscientists have determined that playing the piano has a positive effect on brain development, especially in young children. Memory functions, dexterity, hand-eye coordination, problem solving, listening and communication skills all benefit from learning an instrument and engaging in regular practice. It takes focus and dedication to learn an instrument and progressing through the levels is very satisfying. This has a positive influence on many other areas of your child’s life including school, sports and social activities. Putting in the practice before a recital provides an understanding of what it takes to learn something new and perform well.”

If you’re really feeling up for it and you have the space to account for it, it could be fun to have a mix of instruments accessible to your children and their friends. Perhaps invest in a violin that is of decent quality, yet not worth a price tag where it would hurt if it accidentally got dinged up by a little one! Having options is a great way to let them find out what they resonant with for themselves. Perhaps it will be more than one! 

Music Memories

From a child’s perspective, no matter the instrument, heart-warming memories and bonded moments will be made. It’s so easy to bring the family together with something that everyone can feel and agree on – a classic song. You can incorporate so many genres and let your style grow with your family as they accompany varying chapters in your lives. 

The beautiful aspect of letting instruments lay around your home is that it creates a casual environment for the child, where they are able to freely fall in love with music and not feel as if it’s forced upon them. Let them discover it themselves and they will thank you later. 

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