
Should You Use A Noise Machine to Put Your Baby To Sleep?

Did you know that newborns can sleep up to 18 hours a day? Some may say that this is the easy part and that once they begin to become more conscious, sleep habits and strategies become increasingly difficult, while even more unattainable. This particular debate is still up and open for discussion. As we are by no means doctors, we are simply here to throw some ideas around and see what we can uncover to each of our benefits.

Sound Machine Sleep


Nobody likes a sleepless night, no matter your age. This is especially true though for a child. They need the proper rest to minimize hyperactivity, fatigue and discomfort throughout the day. What is one to do when you live in a bustling city, with landscapers, delivery trucks and neighbors shouting all day long? How can a baby sleep soundly in this? Enter the noise machine.


What is it anyway? Doesn’t noise sound rather uncomfortable and unappealing? Well, you may be surprised how calming and subtle it actually is. “A white noise machine is a device that produces a noise that calms the listener, which in many cases sounds like a rushing waterfall or wind blowing through trees, and other serene or nature-like sounds. A white noise machine, also known as a sound machine, can help you create a more relaxing bedroom environment that promotes healthy, high-quality sleep. In addition to white noise and other noise colors, these devices often produce ambient and natural sounds such as chirping birds and crashing waves.” says Sleep Foundation. 

Are Sound Machines Safe?


Regarding potential concerns of the use of a noise machine. “In addition to increased hearing problems, the study found that using white noise increased the risk of problems with language and speech development. Based on the findings of the AAP, pediatricians recommend that any white noise machines should be placed at least 7 feet away (200 cm) from your baby’s crib.” says Healthline. 


In addition, “white noise machines may exceed recommended noise limits for babies and babies can become dependent on white noise machines to be able to fall asleep.”

Better Sleep With Sound


The perks, if all safety precautions are followed, is that the noise machine creates a barrier of sound between your baby and the world around them. This allows them to be comforted and uninterrupted. Sometimes a household can become quite booming and it isn’t exactly possible to quiet the whole home down to let the baby nap, this is one of those situations where even having the option of the noise is a great alternative to not. 


One important tip that we should all accept is that much like life, there is no precise science that matches up with every baby. There are many variables, including characteristics special to the child. This is where trial and error will become your new best friend. Just be smart, research, try to know all pros & cons and test things out from a safe and scientific perspective. 

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