
Adjusting to Life With a New Baby

Well, we may as well accept it in the earliest moments that we are able to realize it in – the fact that your lives have been forever changed, in the most beautiful way possible. You now have another life to lookout for, so you must be strategic with your time so that you’re able to experience these fleeting moments, while still saving some space for yourself. 


Find you time. It doesn’t matter which parent you are, or what situation you are in, each caretaker needs a break. We are no good for anybody if we aren’t good for ourselves first. Even if all you can get in is a long shower and a 30 minute nap, take it. Be fair, be patient and be understanding. Say yes to those who care about you and want to give you an afternoon off. 

Enjoy the Small Moments


Although everything is relative, there are a multitude of manners in which balance will need to be brought into your life now that a baby is going to be your main focus. You’ll need to be deliberate in how you choose to break down your daily schedule. It’s crucial to not make it so unbearable where you never have a free slot. This is the time to take things at a snail’s pace so that you can become accustomed to the adjustment – so be sure to free up your schedule as much as possible. Pick one hobby at a time. Life doesn’t have to be fixed immediately all at once. 


When it comes to sharing the tasks, this can make or break you. What To Expect clues us in: 

“Divide and conquer. Sharing responsibilities can make all the difference if you have a partner in the picture. Make sure you both are on the same page before your first day back at work. Coordinate your schedules and child care arrangements, and divide up household chores. Don’t forget to make a sick day plan too. If your baby gets sick and/or needs to go to the doctor, figure out how to divide up who will handle the baby’s care. That way, when it happens, you’ll be ready.”



We absolutely love the idea of having a family based calendar. This can be as inclusive, or exclusive, as you like. It’s incredibly convenient if you and your team are able to share a Google calendar, that way it can be accessed from anywhere with a wifi connection. “Having one place where every family member’s work schedules, appointments, commitments and other comings and goings are recorded is key for managing the chaos of work and family life.

“You’ll know at a glance what you need to do that week, plus it’s an easy way to keep your caregiver up-to-date on your family’s schedule — including baby’s. The calendar should make clear who’s picking up your little one when applicable, noting any changes, as well as any doctor’s appointments, other commitments, day care closings, work obligations and other family activities.” says What To Expect


We know that it’s hard at the end of the day to set aside time to clean up and attempt to get a hold on daily maintenance, but you’ll thank yourself in the morning if you just put a little bit of organizing work in. It’s important to embrace small actions when you’re incredibly stretched thin time-wise. They all build up and quickly become easy habits that will keep your space clean, safe and crisp. 

There’s so much more to unpack here so stay tuned for other musings on motherhood and more!

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