
Introducing Your Child to New Music Genres

One of the most beautiful parts of life are all of the different elements that are out there to soak up. There are so many different lifestyles, tastes and cultures to explore. We can learn so much from each and every one of them. Whether you’re raising a tiny musician or you’re just looking to give your child a full spectrum of musical knowledge, it’s important to introduce them to each and every genre out there. Who knows, you may discover some new artists and styles yourself! 


When to Explore?


Do we need to play only children’s music and lullabies to our little ones? When is it too soon to delve into these different sound worlds? In our opinion, it is never too early, as long as you’re taking into consideration one major factor – volume. Being conscious of dynamics will both protect your child’s sensitive ears, as well as contain the tiny party from getting too out of control! 


Timing Matters


The time of day is what may be extremely important when it comes to letting the light of varying musical styles into your life. For example, if it’s close to naptime or bedtime, you may want to wait until after the nap or the next morning to show your tiny ones that the world of upbeat, energy inducing music. Let us not underestimate the power of sound. It can calm us or amp us up. This effect is no different on children, in fact it may be even more powerful. Be deliberate in deciding the best time to get your family groove on and get the dance party started! Likely any time that isn’t right before bed is a good one. 


Consider Relevance


If you aren’t even sure where to start, you can begin by exploring different cultural festivities around your city. If you do some asking around and/or Googling, you’re sure to find open celebrations of cultures that you may be unfamiliar with. This is a wonderful way to expand both you and your family’s ears. Another wonderful way is through different dance and music classes. If you aren’t sure, leave it up to the professionals and experts within a certain style. If all of this seems too complicated, simply switch around the radio stations and take note of what your children enjoy and resonate with. You never know! 


Little by Little


We do recommend not piling it all on at once. We can all become overwhelmed quickly when too much stimuli enters the picture. This is no different with tiny tots. Consider introducing a new genre or style every month or two. You have plenty of time so why rush it? 


Use music as a fun addition to a cleaning activity. After all, life is what you make it. This is a great little trick to get things done around the house, while still making it feel like a good time. On the flipside, playing a little jazz, or any other genre, in the background as a subtle soundtrack to your life isn’t a bad idea either. This is a wonderful way to let your child discover what they like for themselves. Almost like you’re leaving it to be found by them on their own. These little hidden treasures can give your small ones power and confidence in navigating the beauty that the world around them has to offer.


Promote Focus and Presence

Let them really bask in the new sounds that they are learning about. Make sure distractions like the television and ipad are off and away. Let your little one figure out what sparks joy within them uniquely as an individual. You’ll never know if you’ve got the next Mozart or Reggae aficionado on your hands if you don’t open them up to the world of possibilities. Enjoy and let them go forth into the unknown while you’re encouraging them, guiding them and holding their little hand!

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