
Strategies for Teaching Your Toddler to Sing

Did you know that babies can begin to learn how to sing when they are just 3 months old? Although we wouldn’t exactly suggest doing it any sooner, as babies are simply trying to learn their environment in the most basic terms at this point and often just the sun and the big humans around them are overwhelming enough. However, once your baby seems to be interested in exploring more of what life has to offer, this is a good time to start with some of the basics. 

Having Fun is Key!

Whether you’re looking to raise the next Beethoven or just looking to bring a little bit of joy via sound into the life of your little one, this is the time to be silly, have fun and help your child make their own sounds. These don’t have to be beautiful sounds, just simple noises can help your little one feel out how to use their vocal cords in a multitude of ways – hopefully with minimal screeching! 

Get Them Accustomed to Hearing Music

When you’re looking for specific methods to introduce your child to their own voice, we strongly recommend allowing them to listen to music both actively and passively. While they’re riding in the car, dancing around the house, playing in the backyard. If music is on in the background, they’re able to pick up on these sounds without forcing it too much. If they seem to be eager to engage with music more, this is the time you can start engaging methods.

As you know, most of us learn the best by mimicking the actions of others. A wonderful method is the “call and response”. Sing a short phrase to your baby, just a few notes and give them a pause of silence, encouraging them to sing back what you sang to them. They will become wildly excited when they realize they too have this gorgeous ability to emit sound from their bodies! 

Let It Come Naturally

In our humble opinion, as musicians, some of us were raised without creative structure and this actually ended up being incredibly beneficial. Have you ever noticed that some have said when musical talent is forced upon them as a child, they end up resenting the gorgeous art and it passes them by? The opposite can be true, as well. If you let your child explore different forms of art at different times, you’re giving them the power to make their own decisions. Although it can be hard to decipher where and when to include structure into your child’s life, it may be best to watch how they respond and give them wiggle room to discover things for themselves. You can still create a space where they are educated, informed and able to safely go on this journey on their own. 

One of the most wonderful things about giving the gift of music to your child is that they will soon realize the power within their very own body. This power that they hold is something beautiful and something that has their very own sonic signature to it. This can empower them for their entire lifetime, giving them confidence both musically and throughout the rest of the avenues of their life. Music can become something that they can rely on to calm them and uplift them. This expression can be shared with the world around them and is truly the gift that keeps on giving. 

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